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< Atgal | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Toliau >
Some people die. Others become a teacher...

243. I love the sea, I love the rocks, but when I see you I need to puke!

242. I am born this way, but what is your excuse?

241. Why do men fart more often than women? Because women do not keep their mouth shut long enough to build up the pressure...

240. A fart is a flying planet, created by God and produced by men!

239. If you did not have any feet, would you wear shoes?? why do you wear a bra????!!!

238. Will we play the hulk together??.....I will be tall and strong and you green and ugly!!!

237. You have the face of a saint...a Saint-Bernard!

236. I wish you lots of itching and short arms.

235. I do not swear, I do not smoke and I do not drink! O damned My cigarette has fallen in my glass of beer ...

234. Roses are red, violets are blue, when I sense the smell of the bathroom, I think of you!

233. I think you are ugly and stupid, You are a real pain in the ?... Wait a moment.... oh no, I do have the right number...

232. You are so beautiful, sweet and faithful... It is a pity that I do not like animals!!!

231. I would have answered your letter sooner but you did not write me one...


230. I love the spring mornings, the afternoons in autumn, the winter evenings and the summer nights....but you I love more!

229. There is a clown in my heart. Small and very special, he can dance and jump, laugh and sing ... is you sad and crying, you can borrow him.

228. The less you open up to others, the more you will suffer.

227. Never make love in the garden or in the fields...... For love might be blind but your neighbors not!

226. If love is blind, how will she find me?

225. I saw you at a distance but you never approached, but that what did never happen never passes!

224. Girls are like internet domain names... the ones I like are already taken.

223. Can I have your picture, so Santa Claus knows exactly what to give me.

222. If God would have created something more beautiful than you he would have kept it to himself.

221. Every man dreams of a beautiful woman, so do I ... I dream of you.

220. I must have been born under a lucky star, to find a friend as nice as you are, and I will follow the rainbow until the end, if you promise forever to be my friend!

219. Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by again?

218. I know milk it does a body good, but DAMN how much have you been drinking?

217. I cannot think of a good opening sentence, so will we just say goodbye???

216. I wanted to put something incredibly beautiful, sweet, nice, sensitive, erotic and funny on you screen, but unfortunately I do not fit on it.

215. Do you have a coin? I want to call your parents to thank them.

214. Love is...looking whether he is looking, and when he does, certainly not looking back!!

213. I am sending you to an island full of kisses on a sea of love!

212. During math I was thinking of you but I cannot calculate how much I love you!!

211. If all the boys lived on the other side of the sea, what a good swimmer I would be ?

210. Are you free for the rest of your life?

209. The moment I first saw you, you warmed my heart, the second time you made little flames and now you make my heart burn like hell!

208. I will give you one kiss to go to sleep. I give you two kisses to dream. I give you an endless row of kisses to, when you wake up in the morning, think of me.

207. If a kiss on your lips tastes as sweat as a raindrop I want it to rain for ever.......

206. Even when it is rainy the sun is shining in your smile.

205. If you would see yourself the way I do, you would wish you where as beautiful as you ...
< Atgal | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Toliau >

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